The rocky shores north and south of the village of Tyulenovo, together with the adjacent steppe and marine waters, are parts of the European ecological network NATURA 2000, under the name “Kaliakra” / under Directive 79/409 / EEC for the protection of wild birds / and “Kaliakra Complex”. ”/ Under Directive 92/43 / ЕЕС for protection of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna /. To the north, the zone starts from Shabla National Park, continues to Kaliakra National Park in Kavarna Municipality and reaches Balchik Municipality. It consists of many types of habitats – deciduous forests, steppes and dry karst pastures, sea cliffs and rocky shores, sea bays and characteristic coastal marine communities.
The coastline is characterized by vertical rock massifs at a height of 5-6 m to 40-50 m, with caves and rock niches. It is a cliff with a general north-south / south-west direction.