In connection with the implementation of the activities under the project № ROBG-407 „Restoration of unique common cultural heritage and promotion of joint tourism product „Hamangia – first civilisation of old Europe”, funded under Contract № 81781 / 17.07.2018, Priority Axis 2: “Green Region”, Specific Objective 2.1: “Improving the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and cultural heritage” under the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Program 2014-2020, a joint management plan the tourism product “Hamangia” was developed.
The development scope included the following activities:
– Development of a management plan of the “Archeological part Durankulak – Hamangia” – with translation into English and Romanian;
– Development of joint management plan of the tourism product by integration with the management plan of Hamangia Centre – Cernavoda, Romania – with translation into English and Romanian.
The joint management plan for the tourism product “Hamangia” is available and can be viewed on the website developed by the project:, in the “Results” section.